Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Alberta Standard Time

So long Daylight Saving Time – hello Alberta Standard Time!

Edmonton-South West MLA Thomas Dang introduced his Private Member's Bill in the legislature Tuesday, to amend the Daylight Saving Time Act, and move the province to one time all year round.

Bill 203, the Alberta Standard Time Act, would create a single time zone within Alberta that would be the same as Saskatchewan's non-changing time zone.

"I've talked to a lot of my colleagues and they're generally supportive of this," said Dang, who added there's always a chance the bill could die on the floor.

A recent provincial government survey showed 80 per cent of Albertans do not want clocks to spring ahead and fall back each year. The survey also showed a preference for more light in the evenings.

Although the process has been set in motion, Dang said he's still looking for input on the bill.

"There's still an opportunity for some amendments to go forward. Now that it's been tabled, Albertans might have more feedback," he said.

Feedback can be sent by CLICKING HERE!

The state of Montana is also considering a move away from Daylight Saving Time. A bill in that state's senate would have Montana on Mountain Standard Time year round.  If Montana and Alberta both make the planned changes, it would mean a one-hour time change when crossing the national border.

But no matter what timezone we end up in, your friends at Western GMC Buick will be here for you at our regular business hours! 

Source: Metro News

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