Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween Safety Tips

With witches, goblins, and super-heroes descending on neighborhoods across Canada, the team at Western GMC Buick would like to share some safety tips to help parents prepare their children for a safe and enjoyable trick-or-treat holiday. 

Halloween should be filled with surprise and enjoyment, and following some common sense practices can keep events safer and more fun! Below, you will find some valuable Halloween Safety Tips provided by The Canadian Red Cross!

  • Costumes should be light-coloured and flame resistant with reflective strips so that children are more easily seen at night.  (And remember to put reflective tape on bikes, skateboards, and brooms, too!)
  • Costumes should be short enough to avoid tripping.
  • Remind children to keep away from open fires and candles. (Costumes can be extremely flammable.)
  • Use face paint rather than masks or things that will cover the eyes.
  • Remind children to walk, slither, and sneak on sidewalks - not in the street.
  • Explain to children that calls should be made along one side of the street first and then the other, and that it's best to cross the street only at intersections or crosswalks.
  • Remind children to look both ways before crossing the street to check for cars, trucks, and low-flying brooms.
  • Provide yourself or the children with a flashlight to see better and to be better seen.
  • Have children plan their route and share it with you and the family. 
  • Trick or Treaters should travel in groups of four or five.  Young children should be accompanied by an adult.
  • Visit homes that have the porch light on.
  • Make sure children know they should accept treats at the door and must not get into cars or enter the homes or apartments of strangers.
  • Remind children not to eat their treats and goodies until they are examined by an adult at home.  And candy should not be eaten if the package is already opened. Small, hard pieces of candy are a choking hazard for young children.
  • Make sure you and your children know where the Block Parent houses are located in the neighborhood.
  • Set agreed-to boundaries with your children.  Explain the importance of staying within them and arriving home on time.
  • Share an anti-bullying message with your neighbours. Print this PDF and include it when you hand out candy to trick-or-treaters.
Your friends at Western GMC Buick wish you and your family a safe and Happy Halloween!

Source:Canadian Red Cross

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