Thursday, March 5, 2015

Why are wheel alignments important?

With pothole season right around the corner, making sure your vehicles tires are properly aligned can have some real benefits for you. It can only take a small misalignment to cause big problems for your vehicle. When your tires are properly aligned, it allows the tire to work together more effectively, and can help save you money. A four wheel alignment allows for better:

  • Handling

o   Aligning your wheels will reduce any looseness or wandering you experience when driving. Improving the handling and control of your vehicle can help you avoid or prevent accidents, keeping you safer on the roads. If your vehicle is pulling to the left or the right, it may be caused by misalignment.

  • Fuel economy

o   Properly aligned tired will not drag sideways, like they do when they are misaligned, allowing your vehicle to drive with less resistance.  

  • Tire wear

o   Premature tire wear can be very costly. Tires can wear more quickly if they are not rolling straight and getting dragged in the wrong direction. Once tire wear starts, you can’t reverse it, forcing you to replace them more often. 

Wheel alignments can be easily added to your maintenance routine and help save you money down the road. They should be completed at least once per year, but with our constantly changing road conditions, having a wheel alignment completed after every changing season would be recommended.

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